Bosnia and Herzegovina
ICG has provided detailed analysis and constructive criticism of the peace implementation process in Bosnia & Herzegovina since early 1996. This long engagement has permitted ICG to speak with authority regarding both the achievements and the failures of the international community's "state-building" efforts in BiH - and to become a vital source of information and policy advice for foreign and domestic authorities, academics and journalists.
Recent ICG reports on war criminals, legal reform, the economy, the police, refugee return and political currents have not only influenced specific decisions of policy-makers, they have also helped to define the terms in which issues are considered. Although based in Sarajevo, the ICG's team of experienced analysts travels and maintains contacts throughout the country and region.
Our reports on Bosnia are listed below, starting with the most recent. You can also search for relevant reports using the search box in the top right hand side of this page.
Recent reports & briefings |
 | Bosnia's Nationalist Governments:
Paddy Ashdown and the Paradoxes of State Building,
report, 22 July 2003 |
 | Nacionalistièke vlade Bosne i Hercegovine: Paddy Ashdown i paradoks izgradnje države,
report, 22 July 2003 |
 | Thessaloniki and After II: The EU and Bosnia,
briefing, 20 June 2003 |
 | Brčko Distrikt Bosne i Hercegovine: Početak, napredak i povlaèenje,
report, 02 June 2003 |
 | Bosnia's Brcko: Getting In, Getting On and Getting Out,
report, 02 June 2003 |
 | The Continuing Challenge Of Refugee Return In Bosnia & Herzegovina,
report, 13 December 2002 |
 | Dalji izazovi na putu povratka izbjeglica u Bosnu i Hercegovinu,
report, 13 December 2002 |
 | Bh Alijansa za (omanje) promjene,
report, 02 August 2002 |
 | Bosnia's Alliance for (Smallish) Change,
report, 02 August 2002 |
 | Policing The Police In Bosnia: A Further Reform Agenda,
report, 10 May 2002 |
 | Uredivanje organa reda: dalji plan reforme u BiH
Izvještaj ICG-a za Balkan,
report, 10 May 2002 |
 | Provedba jednakopravnosti: Odluka o konstitutivnosti naroda u Bosni i Hercegovini,
report, 16 April 2002 |
 | Implementing Equality: The "Constituent Peoples" Decision in Bosnia & Herzegovina,
report, 16 April 2002 |
 | Courting Disaster: The Misrule of Law in Bosnia & Herzegovina,
report, 25 March 2002 |
 | Igranje sa sudbinom: Bosna i Hercegovina bez vladavine zakona,
report, 25 March 2002 |
 | Bosna I Hercegovina : Redefiniranje Meðunarodne Mašinerije,
report, 29 November 2001 |
 | Bosnia: Reshaping the International Machinery,
report, 29 November 2001 |
 | The Wages of Sin: Confronting Bosnia's Republika Srpska (Verzija na Lokalnom Jeziku),
report, 08 October 2001 |
 | The Wages of Sin: Confronting Bosnia's Republika Srpska,
report, 08 October 2001 |
 | Bosnia's Precarious Economy: Still not Open for Business,
report, 07 August 2001 |