Active in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia since 1997, ICG has issued over twenty-five major policy reports analysing events in Serbia. Analysis in the past has concentrated on the former Belgrade regime's handling of the Kosovo crisis, the levers by which Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic dominated political life in Serbia, and the successful struggle of the Serb opposition, particularly in the run-up to the Yugoslav presidential elections of 24 September 2000.
Although Milosevic is in The Hague, his corrosive criminal legacy continues to haunt Serbia. ICG aims to focus on the challenges facing the Serbian authorities, the development of independent media and civil society, institutional and economic reform, constitutional relations with Montenegro, interaction with the UN (UNMIK) protectorate in Kosovo, and relations with Serbia’s neighbours (Albania, Bosnia, Croatia and Macedonia).
Our reports on Serbia are listed below, starting with the most recent. You can also search for relevant reports using the search box in the top right hand side of this page.
Many of our Serbian reports have been translated into Bosnian. To see these reports, click here.
Recent reports & briefings |
 | Serbian Reform Stalls Again,
report, 17 July 2003 |
 | Reforma u Srbiji Ponovo Zakoèena,
report, 17 July 2003 |
 | Thessaloniki and After III:
The EU and Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo,
briefing, 20 June 2003 |
 | Serbia After Djindjic,
report, 18 March 2003 |
 | Arming Saddam: The Yugoslav Connection,
report, 03 December 2002 |
 | Naoružavanje Sadama: Jugoslovenska Veza,
report, 03 December 2002 |
 | Borba Za Kontrolu Nad Vojskom Jugoslavije,
briefing, 15 July 2002 |
 | Fighting To Control Yugoslavia’s Military,
briefing, 15 July 2002 |
 | Serbia: Military Intervention Threatens Democratic Reform,
briefing, 28 March 2002 |
 | Srbija: Intervencija Vojske Pretnja Demokratskim Reformama,
briefing, 28 March 2002 |
 | Belgrade’s Lagging Reform: Cause for International Concern (Verzija na lokalnom jeziku),
report, 07 March 2002 |
 | Belgrade’s Lagging Reform: Cause for International Concern,
report, 07 March 2002 |
 | Serbia's Transition: Reforms Under Siege,
report, 21 September 2001 |
 | Serbia's Transition: Reforms under Siege (Verzija na lokalnom jeziku),
report, 21 September 2001 |
 | Peace in Presevo: Quick Fix or Long Term Solution?,
report, 10 August 2001 |
 | Milosevic in the Hague: What it Means for Yugoslavia and the Region,
briefing, 06 July 2001 |
 | A Fair Exchange: Aid to Yugoslavia for Regional Stability,
report, 15 June 2001 |
 | Serbia on the Eve of the December Elections,
briefing, 19 December 2000 |
 | Sanctions Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
briefing, 10 October 2000 |
 | Yugoslavia's Presidential Election: The Serbian People's Moment of Truth,
report, 19 September 2000 |