In an example of successful international intervention, Macedonia was spared yet another Balkan war in 2001. However, the Ohrid Agreement, brokered by US and EU mediators, does not itself guarantee stability. Macedonia faces several continuing challenges, including government foot-dragging on implementation of Ohrid, and endemic – and fully multiethnic – corruption that continues to undermine the institutions on which the Agreement must rest. Macedonia also faces external challenges due to the uncertain status of Kosovo, and from the refusal of neighboring states to recognize fully the Macedonian identity.
Our Macedonia reports are listed below, starting with the most recent. You can also search for relevant reports using the search box in the top right hand side of this page.
Recent reports & briefings |
 | Macedonia: No Time for Complacency,
report, 23 October 2003 |
 | Rruga e Maqedonisë kah qëndrueshmëria: Qasje e re sigurimi për NATO dhe EU,
report, 15 November 2002 |
 | Moving Macedonia Toward Self-Sufficiency:
A New Security Approach for NATO and the EU,
report, 15 November 2002 |
 | Macedonia’s Public Secret: How Corruption Drags The Country Down,
report, 14 August 2002 |
 | Macedonia's Name: Why the Dispute Matters and How to Resolve It,
report, 10 December 2001 |
 | Macedonia: Filling the Security Vacuum,
briefing, 08 September 2001 |
 | Macedonia: War on Hold,
briefing, 15 August 2001 |
 | Macedonia: Still Sliding,
briefing, 27 July 2001 |
 | Macedonia: The Last Chance for Peace,
report, 20 June 2001 |
 | The Macedonian Question: Reform or Rebellion,
report, 05 April 2001 |
 | Macedonian Government Expects Setback in Local Elections,
briefing, 04 September 2000 |
 | Macedonia’s Ethnic Albanians: Bridging the Gulf,
report, 02 August 2000 |
 | Macedonia: Gearing up for Presidential Elections,
report, 18 September 1999 |
 | Macedonia: Towards Destabilisation? The Kosovo crisis takes its toll on Macedonia,
report, 21 May 1999 |
 | Macedonia Update: Challenges and Choices for the
New Government,
report, 29 March 1999 |
 | Macedonia:“New Faces In Skopje”,
report, 08 January 1999 |
 | 1998 Elections In Macedonia,
report, 09 October 1998 |
 | The Albanian Question In Macedonia: Implications of the Kosovo Conflict for Inter-Ethnic Relations in Macedonia,
report, 11 August 1998 |
 | Macedonia Report: The Politics of Ethnicity and Conflict,
report, 30 October 1997 |