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Asia central
Desde sus oficinas en Osh –Kirguistán– y Dushanbe –Tayikistán–, el ICG cubre los cinco estados de Asia central –Uzbekistán, Kirguistán, Tayikistán, Kazajstán y Turkmenistán–, concentrándose en los principales problemas de seguridad de la región: disputas fronterizas y por recursos, narcotráfico, corrupción y problemas económicos, extremismo y fuerte represión a la oposición.
Recent reports & briefings |
| Youth in Central Asia: Losing the New Generation,
Asia Report N°66, 31 October 2003 |
| Central Asia: Islam and the State,
report, 10 July 2003 |
| Radical Islam in Central Asia: Responding to Hizb ut-Tahrir,
report, 30 June 2003 |
| Central Asia: Last Chance for Change,
briefing, 29 April 2003 |
| Tajikistan: A Roadmap for Development,
report, 24 April 2003 |
| Uzbekistan's Reform Program: Illusion or Reality?,
report, 18 February 2003 |
| Central Asia: The Politics of Police Reform,
report, 10 December 2002 |
| The OSCE in Central Asia: A New Strategy,
report, 11 September 2002 |
| Kyrgyzstan’s Political Crisis: An Exit Strategy,
report, 20 August 2002 |
| Central Asia: Water and Conflict,
report, 30 May 2002 |
| Central Asia: Border Disputes and Conflict Potential,
report, 04 April 2002 |
| The IMU and the Hizb-ut-Tahrir: Implications of the Afghanistan Campaign,
briefing, 30 January 2002 |
| Tajikistan: An Uncertain Peace,
report, 24 December 2001 |
| Central Asia: Drugs and Conflict,
report, 26 November 2001 |
| Central Asian Perspectives on 11 September and the Afghan Crisis,
briefing, 28 September 2001 |
| Kyrgyzstan at Ten: Trouble in the "Island of Democracy",
report, 28 August 2001 |
| Central Asia: Uzbekistan at Ten – Repression and Instability,
report, 21 August 2001 |
| Central Asia: Fault Lines in the New Security Map,
report, 04 July 2001 |
| Incubators of Conflict: Central Asia’s Localised Poverty and Social Unrest,
report, 08 June 2001 |
| Central Asia : Islamist Mobilisation and Regional Security,
report, 01 March 2001 |
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