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Copyright notice

Unless otherwise specifically stated, the material on this site was created, authored, and/or prepared by the International Crisis Group (“ICG”) and ICG is the copyright owner of such materials.

Unless otherwise specifically stated, no claim to copyright is being asserted by ICG and material on this website may be freely used as in the public domain. ICG encourages you to copy and distribute the ICG copyrighted materials and documents found on this site (the “ICG Materials”). In that regard, so long as you credit ICG as the source and so long as you comply with the other terms and conditions in this notice, no permission is required to use, reproduce, copy, modify or download any of the ICG Materials. If you do, however, modify the ICG Materials, you will indicate that you have done so, so that any inaccuracies or omissions will not reflect on ICG’s or the original authors’ reputations. Each time you redistribute the ICG Materials or any modification thereof, the recipient automatically receives a license from ICG to use, reproduce, copy and modify the ICG Materials subject to the terms and conditions of this notice. You may not impose any further restrictions on such recipients’ exercise of the rights granted herein. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work ICG be given appropriate acknowledgement. ICG welcomes voluntary reporting of all use, derivative creation, and other alteration of this work. Such reporting should be sent to [email protected]. Other than as expressly granted in this notice, all other rights in the ICG Materials are reserved to ICG.

This site also contains material, including images, generated, authored and/or prepared by individuals or organisations other than ICG, and those individuals or organisations may claim copyright ownership therein. Consequently, ICG cannot grant you permission to use such material. If the credit line for material lists such individuals or organisations, you will need to contact that individual or organisation listed in the credit line to advise you on the copyright policy for that image that material and obtain any permissions that may be required.

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Because ICG does not know how you are using the information, documents and other materials found on this site, ICG does not make any express or implied warranties with respect thereto. ICG does, however, expressly disclaim such warranties to the full extent allowed under applicable law. Further, ICG assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions and assumes no liability for the consequences of your using the information, documents or other materials found on this site. If you use any information, documents or materials found on this site (including, without limitation, the ICG Materials), you do so at your own risk.

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