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  • “You always make a good, balanced contribution to these issues and I really value the efforts”.
    -Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, NATO Secretary General, 29 November 2001, re ICG Report “Kosovo: Landmark Election”

  • “The Chancellor sends…his best wishes of success for the commendable work of your organization.”
    -H.H. Blomeyer-Bartenstein, Acting Foreign Policy and Security Advisor of the Federal Chancellor, Germany, 27 November 2001

  • “The work which ICG does is of great benefit in our region.”
    -Terrance Lorne Mooney, Head of Office, Canadian Embassy, Skopje, 1 November 2001

  • “Thank you for the proposal for a new ICG programme, “Building Sustainable International Defences Against Terrorism.”  The timeliness of the proposal is a testament to the ICG’s capacity to adapt its programming in response to changing international requirements… I look forward to continuing to receive the useful reports of ICG, especially in those areas where the United Nations is conducting or planning peacekeeping operations.”
    -Jean-Marie Guehenno, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, United Nations, 17 October 2001

  • “We appreciate receiving the thoughtful report (Indonesia: Ending repression in Irian Jaya) you enclosed with your letter…The work of the International Crisis Group is an important part of helping to resolve this and we encourage you to continue excellent work.  We look forward to receiving other reports from you as they come along.”
    -Torkel L. Patterson, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Asian Affairs, National Security Council, 15 October 2001

  • I am impressed how quickly you have galvanized some thoughts on how ICG could contribute with its expertise in the international response to terrorism; be sure that I will share your ideas with colleagues in the house.”
    -Louise Fréchette, Deputy Secretary General, United Nations, 4 October 2001

  • “These ICG reports serve as a very important early warning tool, and we use them in HCR in our constant action to prevent crises, at the same time the reports also put forward creative ideas for possible solutions that we factor into our own planning.  From among the countless papers and documents that pass through my desk, I make sure never to miss ICG reports.”
    -Søren Jessen-Petersen, Assistant High Commissioner for Refugees, United Nations, 30 August 2001

  • “I support your conclusions and carry this same message to our Central Asian partners as we seek to address regional security issues cooperatively.  I wish you the best in urging foreign partners to expand development programs to target localities to minimize the risk of conflict.”
    -Jeffrey Starr, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Eurasia, 31 July 2001 re Central Asia’s Localised Poverty and Unrest

  • “Excellent briefing on Indonesia-US military ties.  Especially helpful to stiffen my spine on the issue of bringing human rights violators to justice.”
    -William Liddle, Professor of Political Science, Ohio State University and one of the top U.S. experts on Indonesia, 20 July 2001

  • “Having followed events in Central Asia for many years—as a former Director of the Central Asian American Enterprise Fund, as an international lawyer with involvements in Tajikistan and Turkmenistan in particular, and in meetings at the Council on Foreign Relations—I regard the ICG Report…as the soundest, most accurate document of its kind.”
    -Theodore C. Sorensen, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, 17 July 2001

  • “Zimbabwe in Crisis: Finding a Way Forward… is a fine example of an analytical document that retains the focus on its purpose.  These papers are extremely useful to my current business.”
    -William Phillips, Chief Military Planning Service, Department of Peacekeeping Operations, UN, 16 July 2001

  • “I commend the ICG for the consistently useful reports it produces on conflict situations.  One particular advantage of the ICG’s work is that the insights and analysis in your report reflect the fact that so many of you at the ICG bring long and varied experience at senior levels within and outside national governments to the new calling you have undertaken.”
    -Kieran Prendergast, Under-Secretary General for Political Affairs, 10 July 2001

  • “I can honestly say… that there is no other think-tank whose product I read more regularly or with more enthusiasm than the ICG.”
    -Chris Patten, EU External Affairs Commissioner, 10 July 2001

  • “Thank you for the ICG’s latest report on the Balkans… As usual, the report provides many insights into Balkan politics, which my staff and I appreciated.”
    -Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, NATO Secretary General, 3 July 2001

  • “I would imagine that [your publications] are already classical works intended for political scientists and career diplomats.”
    -Noureddine Mejdoub, Permanent Representative of Tunisia to the UN, 3 July 2001

  • “As head of the recent United Nations Security Council Mission to the Great Lakes, I want to thank you on behalf of the Mission for the timely and insightful briefing materials ICG provided us.  The entire delegation studied your materials very carefully on the trip.  I know I speak for everyone when I say they are the best materials I have seen on Burundi and the Congo…It is rare that an outside group can have such a direct impact on policymaking.  ICG has done so repeatedly, consistently, and brilliantly.  We are deeply grateful for your efforts and look forward to continuing our close relationship in the effort to prevent and contain conflict.”
    -Jean-David Levitte, Permanent Representative of France to the UN, 22 June 2001

  • “The ICG report makes important recommendations. Frankly, they are what we should have been doing years ago.”
    -Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Chairman, Foreign Operations Subcommittee, Senate Appropriations Committee, 20 June 2001, on HIV/AIDS as a Security Issue

  • “With the release of the ICG report, the national and international security impact of the disease are clearly brought into focus. The ICG Report outlines a way forward. We can’t afford to wait.”
    -Senator Bill Frist (R-TN), Ranking Member, Africa Subcommittee, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 20 June 2001, on HIV/AIDS as a Security Issue

  • “Thanks so much for your excellent report which I read and relied on heavily in testimony before the (U.S.) Foreign Relations Committee.”
    -Richard Perle, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, 14 June 2001, on Macedonia: The Last Chance for Peace

  • “We very much appreciate the strong lead you are giving to ICG activity.  We await your guidance on our forthcoming mission to Kosovo!”
    -Sir Jeremy Greenstock KCMG, Permanent Representative of U.K. to the United Nations, 7 June 2001

  • “Thank you for your letter of encouragement and support in connection with my May trip to Africa.  I share your view that it is important to foster responsible leadership in Africa at the national and regional levels if there is to be significant advancement in conflict resolution.  My discussions in Africa covered those areas of greatest concern to you and the ICG.”
    -Colin Powell, US Secretary of State, 4 June 2001

  • “The report indeed represents a very comprehensive analysis on the major problems we are currently facing in the Western Balkans.”
    -Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Austria, 1 June 2001, on After Milosevic

  • “As always, your reports are timely, topical and succinctly produced…Please be assured of my Department’s continuing interest in and appreciation of your work.”
    -Jean-Marie Guehenno, Under-Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations, 30 May 2001

  • “Congratulations for the recent ICG reports on Kosovo, Congo, and Sierra Leone.  They are extremely interesting and well done.”
    -Winrich Kühne, Deputy Director, German Research Institute for International and Security Affairs, 15 May 2001

  • “I would like to take this opportunity to note the benefits of past collaboration between CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency) and ICG.  The agency greatly benefits from ICG’s Thematic Reports in its daily program work.”
    -Maria Minna, P.C., M.P., Minister for International Cooperation, Canada, 1 May 2001

  • “The report makes impressive reading.  My congratulations to the whole team.”
    -Poul Nielson, Member of the European Commission, on ICG’s Annual Report, 18 April 2001

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