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Arab-Israeli Conflict

ICG’s work in Israel, the occupied territories and Israel’s Arab neighbours is focused on new and more comprehensive political and diplomatic strategies to address the sources of conflict, and deal with the main factors within Israel and Arab societies hindering the achievement of sustainable peace.

Our reports on the conflict are listed below, starting with the most recent. You can also search for relevant reports using the search box in the top right hand side of this page.

Recent reports & briefings  
Hizbollah: Rebel Without A Cause?, briefing, 30 July 2003
The Israeli-Palestinian Roadmap: What a Settlement Freeze Means and Why it Matters, report, 25 July 2003
A Middle East Roadmap To Where?, report, 02 May 2003
Islamic Social Welfare Activism In The Occupied Palestinian Territories: A Legitimate Target?, report, 02 April 2003
Old Games, New Rules: Conflict on the Israel-Lebanon Border, report, 18 November 2002
The Meanings of Palestinian Reform, briefing, 12 November 2002
Middle East Endgame I: Getting To A Comprehensive Arab-Israeli Peace Settlement, report, 16 July 2002
Middle East Endgame III: Israel, Syria and Lebanon – How Comprehensive Peace Settlements Would Look, report, 16 July 2002
Middle East Endgame II: How A Comprehensive Israeli-Palestinian Peace Settlement Would Look, report, 16 July 2002
A Time to Lead: The International Community and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, report, 10 April 2002

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