Sudan lingers as one of the world�s longest running and most intractable conflicts. With a devastating toll of death and destruction in its wake, the Sudanese civil war has often left a divided international community looking painfully ineffectual as it gropes to push the warring parties toward a meaningful peace process. ICG established a Sudan project in late 2001. Its first product is a 250-page book-length report, "God, Oil and Country: Changing the Logic of War in Sudan", which argues that a unique, and potentially short-lived window of opportunity has opened for the international community to forge a more effective approach to peace. It provides a detailed and insightful agenda for addressing the difficult issues of civil war, terrorism, oil resources, human rights abuses, religion and self-determination in Sudan. Special attention is given to the crucial role of Sudan�s neighbours and to the traffic jam of competing peace initiatives in the region and the need for uniting these efforts on a single track.
The report is based on intensive fieldwork in Sudan and extensive policy discussion in African, European and North American capitals. This comprehensive and up-to-date effort is an attempt to bring the multiple and interlocking pieces of the violence in Sudan into perspective and to offer a practical road map toward a long-overdue peace. The report will be followed by a series of shorter field-based reports.
For a copy of the report in paperback book form, please write to [email protected]. To cover production and postage, we charge U.S.$ 15 PER BOOK.
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