
The events of 11 September 2001 and ensuing actions by the international community are forcing a significant shift in the way the international community and non-governmental actors around the world are looking at the Middle East. While many of the issues have long been present and have long affected the lives of people in the region, they are only now being considered as problems of international significance whose spillover effects can affect the wellbeing of others around the globe. Economic underperformance, corruption and the maldistribution of resources; the lack of democratic institutions or representative governments; the role of Islamist opposition and the attitude of the authorities toward it; the status of the state-owned and independent media and of the education system; the enduring Arab-Israeli conflict; sanctions against Iraq; different perceptions of the role of the U.S. in the region; large Palestinian refugee populations in Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria; the spread of weapons of mass destruction; obstacles facing regional political and economic integration - these, and other pressing issues, form the backdrop of a region that is rife with possibilities, but also tension, as well as interstate and intra-state violence.
The International Crisis Group is embarking on a new program focused on the Middle East, opening an office in Amman that will seek to develop a comprehensive policy agenda to tackle these questions. The ICG Middle East Program will produce a range of policy reports that will provide governments, international organizations, and the world community at large with informed, independent and timely analysis of key regional issues. The focus will be on understanding the political, social, cultural and economic factors that feed grievances in the region, assessing both the underlying domestic dynamics and the role of international actors, and coming up with effective strategies to address them.

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