ICG has been active in Kosovo since late 1997. ICG's initial Kosovo reports outlined the human rights abuses incurred while the former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic struggled to control the province, assessed the 1999 NATO air campaign, and analysed the subsequent efforts of the United Nations and KFOR troops to implement Security Council Resolution 1244.
A team of three analysts, based in Pristina, is currently focused on the consolidation of the peace process. They are examining issues such as the legal status of Kosovo; the transition from United Nations control to local self-government; the creation of a judicial system and efforts to entrench the rule of law; the return of displaced people to their homes and the struggle to create a secure environment for all communities; economic development and the privatization process; and the future role of international bodies, in particular the EU, in the province.
Our reports on Kosovo are listed below, starting with the most recent. You can also search for relevant reports using the search box in the top right hand side of this page.
Recent reports & briefings |
 | Two to Tango: An Agenda for the New Kosovo SRSG,
report, 03 September 2003 |
 | Etnièka Dilema Kosova: Potreba za Graðanskim Ugovorom,
report, 28 May 2003 |
 | Dilema Etnike e Kosovës: Nevoja Për Kontratë Civile,
report, 28 May 2003 |
 | Povratak U Neizvesnost Interno Raseljena Lica Sa Kosovu I Proces Povratka,
report, 13 December 2002 |
 | Kthim në pasiguri: Të zhvendosurit e brendshëm të kosovës dhe procesi i kthimit,
report, 13 December 2002 |
 | Return to Uncertainty: Kosovo’s Internally Displaced and The Return Process,
report, 13 December 2002 |
 | Finding the Balance: The Scales of Justice in Kosovo,
report, 12 September 2002 |
 | UNMIK’s Kosovo Albatross : Tackling Division in Mitrovica,
report, 03 June 2002 |
 | Putokazi Za Buduænost Kosova (I) Rešavanje Konaènog Statusa,
report, 01 March 2002 |
 | Putokazi Za Buduænost Kosova (II) Unutrašnji Pokazatelji,
report, 01 March 2002 |
 | A Kosovo Roadmap (I): Addressing Final Status,
report, 01 March 2002 |
 | A Kosovo Roadmap (II): Internal Benchmarks,
report, 01 March 2002 |
 | Kosova : Një Strategji Për Zhvillimin Ekonomik,
report, 19 December 2001 |
 | Kosovo: A Strategy for Economic Development,
report, 19 December 2001 |
 | Izbori Prekretnice Kosovu,
report, 21 November 2001 |
 | Kosova : Zgjedhje Historike,
report, 21 November 2001 |
 | Religion in Kosovo,
report, 31 January 2001 |
 | Reaction in Kosovo to Kostunica's Victory,
briefing, 10 October 2000 |
 | Kosovo Report Card,
report, 28 August 2000 |
 | Elections in Kosovo: Moving Toward Democracy?,
report, 07 July 2000 |