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DR Congo

Central Africa project

The scene of recurrent ethnic violence and long-running crisis in recent years, the region of Central Africa has been mired in armed conflicts that have defied the international community's capacity for crisis response and management. The Rwandan genocide of 1994, in which over 800,000 people lost their lives, left a devastated country in its wake and had a profoundly destabilising effect on the region. Rwanda's neighbour Burundi, embroiled in ethnic warfare since 1993, is only now making painstaking headway towards national reconciliation. Meanwhile, the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which erupted in the summer of 1998, continues in defiance of the Lusaka cease-fire agreement - having ensnared six other African governments and rebel movements from Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi.

Recent reports & briefings  
Refugees and Displaced Persons in Burundi – Defusing the Land Time-Bomb, report, 07 October 2003
The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: Time for Pragmatism, report, 26 September 2003
Congo Crisis: Military Intervention in Ituri, report, 13 June 2003
Rwandan Hutu Rebels in the Congo:
A New Approach to Disarmament and Reintegration
, report, 23 May 2003
A Framework For Responsible Aid To Burundi, report, 21 February 2003
The Kivus: The Forgotten Crucible of the Congo Conflict, report, 24 January 2003
Rwanda At The End of the Transition: A Necessary Political Liberalisation, report, 13 November 2002
The Burundi Rebellion and the Ceasefire Negotiations, briefing, 06 August 2002
The Burundi Rebellion and the Ceasefire Negotiations, briefing, 06 August 2002
The International Criminal Tribunal For Rwanda: The Countdown (Report in French), report, 01 August 2002
Burundi After Six Months Of Transition: Continuing The War Or Winning Peace?, report, 24 May 2002
Storm Clouds Over Sun City: The Urgent Need To Recast The Congolese Peace Process, report, 14 May 2002
Rwanda/Uganda: A Dangerous War of Nerves, briefing, 21 December 2001
Rwanda/Uganda: a Dangerous War of Nerves, briefing, 21 December 2001
Disarmament in the Congo: Jump-Starting DDRRR to Prevent Further War, report, 14 December 2001
The Inter-Congolese Dialogue: Political Negotiation or Game of Bluff?, report, 16 November 2001
“Consensual Democracy” in Post Genocide Rwanda: Evaluating the March 2001 District Elections, report, 09 October 2001
Burundi: One Hundred Days to put the Peace Process Back on Track (English version), report, 14 August 2001
Disarmament in the Congo: Investing in Conflict Prevention, briefing, 12 June 2001
From Kabila to Kabila: Prospects for Peace in the Congo, report, 16 March 2001

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