July 2001
Stephen Solarz
Vice-Chairman, ICG
Former U.S. Congressman
Gareth Evans
President, ICG
Former Foreign Minister of Australia
Morton Abramowitz
Former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State
Former U.S. Ambassador to Turkey
Kenneth Adelman
Former US Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Ambassador to the UN
Richard Allen
Former National Security Advisor
Hushang Ansary
Former Iranian Minister and Ambassador
Chairman, Parman Group, Houston
Louise Arbour
Supreme Court Judge, Canada
Former Chief Prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia
Oscar Arias Sanchez
Former President of Costa Rica
Nobel Peace Prize, 1987
Ersin Arioglu
Chairman, Yapi Merkezi
Paddy Ashdown
Former Leader of the Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom
Zainab Bangura
Director, Campaign for Good Governance, Sierra Leone
Alan Blinken
Former U.S. Ambassador to Belgium
Emma Bonino
Member of the European Parliament
Former European Commissioner
Maria Livanos Cattaui
Secretary-General, International Chamber of Commerce
Eugene Chien
Deputy Secretary General to the President, Taiwan
Wesley Clark
Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Jacques Delors
Former President of the European Commission
Uffe Ellemann-Jensen
Former Foreign Minister of Denmark
Gernot Erler
Vice-President, Social Democratic Party, German Bundestag
Mark Eyskens
Former Prime Minister of Belgium
Yoichi Funabashi
Journalist and author
Bronislaw Geremek
Former Foreign Minister of Poland
Inder Gujral
Former Prime Minister of India
Han Sung-Joo
Former Foreign Minister of Korea
Marianne Heiberg
Senior Researcher, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
HRH El-Hassan bin Talal
Prince of Jordan, Chairman of the Arab Thought Forum
Elliott F Kulick
Chairman, Pegasus International
Joanne Leedom-Ackerman
Novelist and journalist
Todung Mulya Lubis
Human rights lawyer and author
Allan J MacEachen
Former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada
Barbara McDougall
Former Secretary of State for External Affairs, Canada
Matthew McHugh
Counsellor to the President, The World Bank
Mo Mowlam
Former British Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
Christine Ockrent
Timothy Ong
Chairman, Asia Inc magazine
Managing Director, Brunei National Insurance Company
Wayne Owens
President, Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Co-operation
Cyril Ramaphosa
Former Secretary-General, African National Congress
Chairman, New Africa Investments Ltd
Fidel Ramos
Former President of the Philippines
Michel Rocard
Member of the European Parliament
Former Prime Minister of France
Volker Ruehe
Vice-President, Christian Democrats, German Bundestag
Former German Defence Minister
Mohamed Sahnoun
Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General
William Shawcross
Journalist and author
Michael Sohlman
Executive Director of the Nobel Foundation
George Soros
Chairman, Open Society Institute
Eduardo Stein
Former Foreign Minister of Guatemala
P�r Stenb�ck
President, Finnish Red Cross
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Finland
Thorvald Stoltenberg
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway
William O Taylor
Chairman Emeritus, The Boston Globe
Ed van Thijn
Former Minister of Interior, The Netherlands
Former Mayor of Amsterdam
Simone Veil
Former Member of the European Parliament
Former Minister for Health, France
Shirley Williams
Former British Secretary of State for Education and Science
Member House of Lords
Grigory Yavlinsky
Member of the Russian Duma
Mortimer Zuckerman
Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, U.S. News and World Report