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For most of the post-war period, under Enver Hoxha, Albania had one of the most repressive and insular Socialist regimes in the world. After the collapse of the dictatorship, Albania embarked on a radical program of privatisation and de-regulation, coming within inches of an economic and political meltdown in 1997 triggered by the collapse of government-supported, get-rich-quick pyramid schemes. The Kosovo refugee crisis in 1999 once again exposed the weaknesses of Albania's state institutions and infrastructure, creating a chaotic and insecure environment across much of the country.

ICG's Albania project is tasked with identifying ways in which the international community can best support efforts to tackle the country's most pressing problems: its crumbling state structures, the lack of security, rampant corruption, and large-scale weapons and drug trafficking. A further focus for ICG's work is Albania's evolving role in the Balkan region, especially in regard to the manifestations of Albanian nationalism and pan-Albanian aspirations.

Our Albania reports are listed below, starting with the most recent. You can also search for relevant reports using the search box in the top right hand side of this page.

Recent reports & briefings  
Albania: State of the Nation 2003, report, 11 March 2003
Albania's Parliamentary Elections 2001, briefing, 23 August 2001
Albania: The State of the Nation 2001, report, 25 May 2001
Albania's Local Elections: A Test of Stability and Democracy, briefing, 25 August 2000
Albania: State of the Nation, report, 01 March 2000
The State Of Albania, report, 06 January 1999

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