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Drawing upon regional programs in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America, ICG has the expertise and resources to undertake and publish original research on general issues related to preventing or containing deadly conflict, and crisis response generally, cutting across ICG's individual field-based projects.

Reports published from time to time under the "Issues" heading draw on lessons from ICG's in-country experience in crisis zones around the world as well as existing studies by research institutions and think tanks.

International Terrorism 

After the attacks against the United States on 11 September 2001, ICG launched a major new project designed to both bring together ICG's work in existing program areas (notably in Central Asia, Sudan, Algeria, Indonesia, the Balkans and Colombia) while establishing a new geographical focus on the Middle East and West Asia. A Middle East regional office has been established in Amman, and a new Pakistan/Afghanistan project, linked to the present Central Asia project, has been established in Islamabad.

The European Union and its crisis response capability

In two papers (June 2001) on the EU's crisis response capability, ICG provided a snapshot of the rapidly changing EU institutions and processes responsible for conflict prevention and management, and examined the specific role in this area played by the European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO).

A subsequent (April 2002) short briefing paper provided an update on developments in EU foreign policy and related structures, seeking to evaluate these against the EU’s growing ambition to expand and improve its capacity for conflict prevention and crisis management. The paper paid special attention on the EU’s response to the threat of terrorism in a post-11 September context and the evolution of the EU's military and civilian crisis management capacities.

HIV/AIDS as a security issue

In advance of the UN General Assembly Special Session on AIDS on 25 June 2001, ICG published a special report on AIDS as a security issue. The paper argues that, in addition to the many public health reasons for greater international action, AIDS constitutes a threat to security - internally, nationally and internationally. HIV/AIDS affects the personal security of individuals, undercuts family and national economies, weakens police and military forces and increasingly raises international security questions.

ICG's issues research is co-ordinated out of Brussels. For more information, including the text of ICG reports and briefings, please see the related project pages (links above).

Recent reports & briefings  
EU Crisis Response Capabilities: An Update, briefing, 29 April 2002
The European Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO): Crisis Response in the Grey Lane, briefing, 26 June 2001
EU CRISIS RESPONSE CAPABILITY: Institutions and Processes for Conflict Prevention and Management, report, 26 June 2001
HIV/AIDS as a Security Issue, report, 19 June 2001

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