- Introduction
- Players on the Congolese Side
- The Rebel Movement
- The Banyamulenge Soldiers
- Soldiers of the Congolese Armed
Forces (FAC)
- Civilians
- The Congolese Government
- The Armed Forces
- Civilians
- The Neutral Forces
- Foreign Participants in the Conflict
- Rwanda
- Security Concerns and Involvement
in the ADFL
- Deterioration in the Relationship
Between Rwanda and Kabila's Government
- The Motivations Behind Rwanda's
Involvement in the War Against Kabila
- Uganda
- Sudan
- Zimbabawe
- Namibia
- Angola
- South Africa
- Burundi
- Congo-Brazzaville
- Chad
- Libya
- Conclusions
- Kabila's Allies Carry Off A Victory Against
the Rwandan-Ugandan Coalition and the Rebel Movement
- A Status Quo Between Kabila's Allies
In The West and Centre of Congo and the Rwandan-Ugandan Rebel Coalition
Dominiating in the East
- Status Quo Between the Two Opposing
- Status Quo Between the Two Camps