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Tim ICG yang berbasis di Jakarta melaporkan dan merekomendasikan kebijakan tentang transisi ke arah demokrasi penuh Indonesia, perjuangan para separatis di Aceh dan Irian Jaya, kekerasan secara komunal dan peran Islam radikal.
Laporan-laporan kami mengenai Indonesia dapat dilihat daftarnya dibawah ini, dimulai dengan laporan kami yang terbaru. Anda juga dapat mencari laporan yang relevan dengan menggunakan kotak pencari yang terletak pada bagian kanan paling atas dari halaman ini.
Recent reports & briefings |
| The Perils of Private Security in Indonesia: Guards and Militias on Bali and Lombok,
Asia Report N°67, 07 November 2003 |
| Jemaah Islamiyah in South East Asia: Damaged but Still Dangerous,
report, 26 August 2003 |
| Aceh: How Not to Win Hearts and Minds,
briefing, 23 July 2003 |
| Indonesia: Managing Decentralisation and Conflict in South Sulawesi,
report, 18 July 2003 |
| Aceh: Why The Military Option Still Won't Work,
briefing, 09 May 2003 |
| Dividing Papua: How Not To Do It,
briefing, 09 April 2003 |
| Aceh: A Fragile Peace,
ICG Asia Report N°47, 27 February 2003 |
| Correction to the 8 August 2002 briefing, Al-Qaeda in Southeast Asia: The Case of the Ngruki Network in Indonesia,
report, 10 January 2003 |
| Indonesia Backgrounder: How The Jemaah Islamiyah Terrorist Network Operates,
report, 11 December 2002 |
| Impact Of The Bali Bombings,
briefing, 24 October 2002 |
| Tensions on Flores: Local Symptoms of National Problems,
report, 10 October 2002 |
| Indonesia: Resources and Conflict in Papua,
report, 13 September 2002 |
| Al-Qaeda in Southeast Asia: The case of the "Ngruki Network" in Indonesia (Corrected on 10 January 2003),
briefing, 08 August 2002 |
| Resuming U.S.-Indonesia Military Ties,
briefing, 21 May 2002 |
| Indonesia: The Implications of the Timor Trials,
briefing, 08 May 2002 |
| Aceh: Slim Chance for Peace,
briefing, 27 March 2002 |
| Indonesia: The Search for Peace in Maluku,
report, 08 February 2002 |
| Indonesia: Natural Resources and Law Enforcement,
report, 20 December 2001 |
| Indonesia: Next Steps in Military Reform,
report, 11 October 2001 |
| Indonesia: Violence and Radical Muslims,
briefing, 10 October 2001 |
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