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15 publikasi terbaru ICG dapat dilihat dibawah. Untuk mencari publikasi sebelumnya harap mencari berdasarkan tahun yang relevan. Untuk berlangganan publikasi ICG, klik disini.

2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996

Recent reports & briefings  
"Why Indonesians Distrust The U.S."
Sidney Jones in Far Eastern Economic Review
, article/op-ed, 06 November 2003
"Journey through Congo. A new chance for Africa's ravaged heart"
John Prendergast in The International Herald Tribune
, article/op-ed, 04 November 2003
Liberia: Security Challenges, report, 03 November 2003
CrisisWatch No. 3, 1 November 2003, report, 01 November 2003
Joint Statement by The International Crisis Group, Care International, and the International Rescue Committee on The Expansion of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, media release, 31 October 2003
Joint Statement by The International Crisis Group, Care International, and the International Rescue Committee on The Expansion of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, briefing, 31 October 2003
Youth in Central Asia: Losing the New Generation, report, 31 October 2003
Dealing with Iran's Nuclear Program, report, 27 October 2003
Macedonia: No Time for Complacency, report, 23 October 2003
Nepal: Back to the Gun, briefing, 22 October 2003
'All Dressed Up With Somewhere To Go: NATO and Out of Area Peace Operations.' Gareth Evans Address to NATO Conference "Securing Peace: NATO's Role in Crisis Management and Conflict Resolution.", speech, 16 October 2003
Iran: Discontent and Disarray, briefing, 15 October 2003
"Afghanistan's hour of reckoning."
Vikram Parekh in the The Globe and Mail
, article/op-ed, 15 October 2003
"Without a Road Map, No Rules. Just Fear."
Robert Malley in The Washington Post
, article/op-ed, 13 October 2003
Remarks of the Secretary of State Colin L. Powell at the International Crisis Group Reception, U.S. Department of State, Washington DC, October 10, 2003. (As prepared for delivery), speech, 10 October 2003
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